An aluminium frame may be extremely slim, but don’t be fooled into thinking that it doesn’t offer the protection needed to keep your home secure. Together with the substantial piece of glazing it accommodates, you can rely on it to keep your possessions away from the claws of intruders.
Visitors to our showroom regularly comment on the quality of our aluminium finishes and ask us how we manage it. Well, it takes an 11-stage powder-coating process to achieve them, a process that we always adhere to. We can even create a timber effect finish in Oak, Rosewood and Walnut.

Advances in window technology has meant that window design and functionality has become far more sophisticated. You can now buy aluminium windows that slide vertically, open from the side or top and tilt and turn. The only way to decide which you prefer best is to try them all out at our showroom.
The placement of such a huge pane of glass in our aluminium windows will help them inevitably illuminate your interior far more than the previous window solution you had installed.

Aluminium Windows
The Aluminium Window has a lengthy list of qualities and is remarkably sleek, which is one of its main appeals. This collection redefines how an aluminium window should look and perform.
Keen to find out more about Aluminium Windows? The hotspots will fill you in on the facts.

Our highly engineered hinge provides increased load bearing and features unique anti-crowbar technology, providing a lifetime of protection and reassurance. With 90 degree opening and Egress easy clean as standard, window maintenance has never been so simple.Glass
High performance, next generation glass offers excellent energy efficiency. With an ultra-clear outer pane, and a super soft coat inner pane as standard.Frame
A true declaration of style. Our low density, slimline frames are perfect for a clean, modern appearance, but are also built with the strength to withstand even the harshest of weather conditions.Locking
The sophisticated multi-point lock within the system ensures the window is fully secure when locked. Featuring our patented ‘Secure It’ mechanism, the window was tested over 30,000 times during the development stage.Weather Seal
Dual density and high elasticity for twice the coverage of standard windows. Our range boasts long lasting airtight protection from the elements and added noise reduction.Lose yourself in the view that aluminium provides
Our thermal aluminium windows have the slimmest aluminium profile that you can expect to see and are largely composed of glass, maximising the view.
Such a glass-filled design inevitably causes an aluminium window to transport so much light into internal spaces.

We like to give our customers free reign when they come to us for Aluminium Windows, allowing them to have the final say over the glazing and hardware. Tell us all about your preferences and your consultant will incorporate them into the windows.
A powder-coated aluminium finish has such a deep effect…
We don’t rush through the colouring process when we finish the Aluminium Window frames. It needs 11 stages to powder-coat the colour onto them and as we do it, strong paint adhesions are induced, which helps to make the finish so distinctive. When a customer asks for an aluminium woodgrain finish, the technique we employ is called sublimation and from that we achieve Walnut, Oak, and Rosewood effects.
Which form of glass will serve your purpose?
The obvious choice of glass and most popular is plain glass, but that’s not always the best solution for homes. To drive down your energy bills, check out our energy saving glass, or if you want to preserve your privacy in your home, Premier Windows also has privacy glazing available. Our privacy glazing does a great job of obscuring the view people have from the outside of your property and is ideal for areas like bedrooms and bathrooms.
A window relies so much on hardware…
It’s not just the window handle on an Aluminium Window that’s integral. So are the hinges, which make an equal contribution to the aesthetics of the design and its functionality.
It’s a diverse collection of handles that we have at Premier Windows, from modern offerings to classic styles, all made with loving attention and care.
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